Voting Republican ?

A Vote for a Republican
is a vote for:

Don’t vote Republican.

Is the GOP right for you ?

If you are older or plan to be some day, Republicans have a long history of attempts to cut Social Security, Medicare, and other social programs to save money for tax cuts for their wealthy donors.

If you are sick, you could be bankrupted by medical expenses, Republicans attempted many times to eliminate the ACA, Project 2025 has plans to turn healthcare over to private insurers.

If you are a worker, Republicans keep your wages down by opposing unions, keeping democracy from the workplace, holding the minimum wage down, favoring the corporate interest. Studies show Democrats are much better for wages.

If you want safety, Republican's love of guns are a public health hazard, life threatening for everyone.

If you are young, since you are unlikely to vote GOP, Republicans would raise the voting age. They use the culture war so you won't know about their record of divisiveness by race, gender, religion, or class. They remove books, edit history, and privatize schools the better to discriminate, indoctrinate you, break down the wall between church and State, and profit.

If you are a student,Republicans interfere in higher education, oppose attempts to relieve you of college debt. Republican climate denial will have dire consequences, probably in your lifetime. Since you don’t vote for them, they will suppress your vote. "...what we are up against is a generation that is by no means sure that it has a future." Gearge Wald in the New Yorker.

If you are poor, Republicans would cut SNAP benefits. oppose assistance for school lunches, child care, homeless, medically bankrupt, unemployed, leave for family problems, sickness, or vacations. Republicans actively oppose safety net programs.

If you are a person of color or Jewish, Republican white supremacy is increasingly violent, and will suppress your vote.

If you are an immigrant, the Project 2025 plans to round up, place in massive camps, and deport you. Their cruelty at the border knows no bounds. Welcoming immigrants would be good for the economy. Instead of spending money on a border wall, it would be more humanitarian and productive to help them.

If you are a women, the GOP would take your body autonomy, deny reproductive rights, birth control, IVF, your right to travel to a different State, criminalize your health care, set vigilante bounty hunters, and even imprison you or worse.

If you are concerned for children, be aware that Republicans are rolling back child labor laws, have little concern for the environment, which is deteriorating with the profligate burning of fossil fuel.

If you value religious freedom, Republican’s would break down the wall between church and State, install a Christian theocracy, deny your rights, threaten your safety, and keep you in your place. Religion is important for denying the truth of climate warnings, accepting conspiracies, controlling your sex life, and electing more Republicans. Evangelicals are exhibiting their real values by following Trump. The most religious countries are the most backward.

If you are disabled, Trump would mock you.

If you are LGBTQ, Republicans would roll back gay marriage, and tell you what you can do in your bedroom.

If you're a veteran who supports a five time draft dodger who calls our fallen warriors losers and suckers and says he'll be a dictator on day one, you've forgotten your oath.

If you are a patriot, you should be disgusted that Republicans are election deniers, backed by Russia, attempted a violent overthrow of the government, threaten violence against opponents, continue the coup, and no doubt will not accept results of the next election. Trump Refuses to Sign Pledge Against Overthrowing Government would terminate the Constitution. and there is talk of repealing the 22nd Amendment which limits the President to 2 terms.

If you oppose fascism, Republicans admire authoritarians like Putin and Orban, would withdraw from NATO, break mutual defense agreements.

Republicans have become cult followers of a Russian backed demagogue who has already attempted a fascist coup and continues to act out the authoritarian playbook.

Republican plans for government are spelled out in Project 2025 , backed by the Koch funded Heritage Foundation, which will replace civil service professionals with party loyalists, install a dictator, and destroy the republic.

Should Republicans win the next election, it will be the end of the republic and the start of a fascist dystopia. It could also be the last real election, because R's only accept the results of elections they win. Not long after that social and climate collapse will follow.

If Republicans don't win the next election they most likely will deny the result and may become violent again.

Personnel is policy. To reflect Republican value$, their candidates must be sociopaths, often celebrities without a background in politics, but are loyalists who will follow orders. They need such people to capture agencies to defeat their very purpose. People who are not sociopaths need not apply.

Republicans highest value is money. They can be bought by any country, industry, or person willing to pay them off. Putin paid to back dear leader and sew chaos, they favor Putin’s interests over the US, they represent the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the people. They favor fossil fuels over renewables at the cost of the planet, they have been bought by the gun industry and made the US a shooting gallery, They corrupted the Supreme Court and are headed for theocracy, denigrate women and remove their rights endangering their safety. Corporate interests favor cutting Social Security and Medicare over the well being of the vulnerable. the military-industrial complex gets an open checkbook, they favored the tobacco industry over the health of the people. They cheer for a strong border wall over the humanitarian relief of poor migrants,

GOP has captured and corrupted the Supreme Court a stealth enemy of democracy. Bush v Gore had disastrous consequences including forever wars, renditions, secret offshore prisons, torture, and ruinous expense. The SCOTUS overturned much of the Voting Rights Act allowing voter suppression again, flooded politics with big dark money with Citizens United, loosened gun law, denied women’s rights, covered up torture, made corporations people, money became speech, laws on corruption were loosened, union rights were curtailed, regulatory agencies chained, the imperial President above the law, women’s rights shrunk endangering their well-being, religious radical justices are primed to take a wrecking ball to US government. The US is primed for fascism.

If you live in a red State, vote the GOP out because they govern badly.

Courts have not held leading election denialists and insurrectionists accountable. That's why Republicans control the House.

The latest Republican Congress has accomplished nothing.

Chip Roy (R-Tx) ‘Give Me One Thing I Can Go Campaign On and Say We Did!’

Another Republican lie is that they are good for the economy. They are not. Trickle-down was another of their scams, it was actually trickle up. They regularly reduce taxes for the already wealthy [themselves] which exacerbates wealth disparities with toxic consequences. The already wealthy are the one very small group that benefit from Republicans.

Authoritarian, (aka as right wing, ‘conservative’ or GOP) government is never good. Republicans, one of the farthest right parties of the developed world, are proving it almost every day. There has always been conflict between authoritarians and democracy. Shouldn't be a tough choice.

If Republicans win the next election, because they are fascists, we probably will lose WWII and the republic. They admire mafia-like governments such as Putin's or Orban's, and will emulate them.

Don’t vote Republican.
