Republican Accomplishments




Social Contract











Wealth Inequality



Republican Values




Vast Right Wing Conspiracy






Here's what to expect when Republicans win.

Privatization Gone Wild

Kids For Cash

John W Gardner writes “...history is not going to deal kindly with a rich nation that will not tax itself to cure its miseries.”

Credit the Republican, with these accomplishments.

  • Deliver big tax cuts for the wealthy from taxpayer debt ?
  • Run trillion dollar deficits annually, driving the economy to a sugar high ?
  • exacerbate wealth inequality
  • Take up a court fight to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
  • Remove health insurance from 24 million people ? with no plan for replacement.
  • Privatize Medicare ?
  • Make big cuts to social programs including food stamps, meals on wheels ?
  • Attack all the supports of democracy
  • Let the Post Office go bankrupt.
  • Rig the census.
  • Render Constitutional checks and balances inoperable
  • Mishandle the pandemic.
  • Undermine elections: make it harder to vote, gerrymander, suppress voter registration, favor hackable voting machines, cheat to win without the popular vote ?
  • Remove checks and oversight of the Presidency, making him all but a dictator.
  • Oppose vote by mail, even though a pandemic makes in-person voting life threatening.
  • Attack the Free Press ?
  • enable media consolidation ?
  • Make Fox News, Sinclair,talk radio, supermarket tabloids, and Facebook into right-wing, State propaganda ?
  • Defund NPR and the National Endowment for the Arts ?
  • Privatize schools, prisons, and sell off public land for profit ?
  • Appoint cabinet officials who oppose the very purpose of their agencies ?
  • Decapitate the DOJ
  • Double down on fossil fuels
  • Pack the Courts with right-wing ideologues ? Some rated unqualified.
  • Capture the Supreme Court
  • Accept foreign interference, notably Russia, in elections ?
  • Favor Russian interests in Ukraine.
  • Block consumer protections by opposing the CFPB ?
  • Cut the EPA and allow Corporate freedom to pollute ?
  • Deny science.
  • Bust unions ?
  • Roll back Dodd-Frank ?
  • Start a trade war ? Bail out farmers ?
  • Impose tariffs, but don't tell people they are really paid by consumers ?
  • See that tax returns are more complicated to benefit H&R Block and Intuit ?
  • Turn a blind eye to White Nationalists and their violence
  • Revoke DACA
  • Increase deportations
  • Ice raids
  • Criminalize the border
  • Separate children from their parents at the border.
  • Hold migrant children in cages ?
  • Cut aid for Central Americans ?
  • Seek to deport critically-ill immigrants ?
  • Poisoning children in Flint: Republican policy.
  • Force large meatpacking plants to reopen even though pandemic hotspots.
  • Export right-wing ideology to corrode other democracies
  • Pander to the religious right.
  • Ban Muslims
  • Start a culture war on the truth.
  • Close down Planned Parenthood ?
  • Remove the decision to bear children from women, instead write that decision in law.
  • Strike down Roe V Wade ?
  • Demonize LGBTQ
  • Impose Bathroom laws ?
  • Roll back net neutrality ?
  • Allow corporate capture of the FCC ?
  • Undermine privacy further by allowing ISPs to sell your data ?
  • Pay corporate welfare, subsidize fossil fuels ?
  • Double down on fossil fuel extraction ?
  • Allow off-shore drilling and revive the Coal industry ?
  • Open pristine wildlife preserves to Arctic to oil drilling ?
  • Oppose renewables
  • roll back auto efficiency rules ?
  • Remove pollution regulations
  • Ignore crumbling infrastructure ?
  • Shut down government
  • Build a wall on the Southern Border even though Congress would not authorize it ?
  • Declare an emergency to foil Congress.
  • Pay for a border wall (not by Mexico) by cutting 51 military projects
  • Allow the President to declare an emergency so that he can do anything he wants ?
  • Break checks and balances by allowing the President to ignore Congressional oversight ?
  • Cut and hollow out the State Department ?
  • Increase funding for the worlds largest military ?
  • Make government more secret while implementing universal surveillance ?
  • Respond to the funders, not the people
  • Tear down the wall between church and state.
  • When results of people's polls are established, do the opposite.
  • Trust North Korea to denuclearize ?
  • Break the Iran Nuclear agreement ?
  • Destroy traditional democratic alliances
  • Sell nuclear technology to the Saudis ?
  • Arm the Saudis for their war on Yemen ? Even though the Congress voted to disapprove.
  • Ignore the emoluments clause of the Constitution ?
  • Expand and deepen the swamp.
  • Dismantle regulatory agencies.
  • Incorporate nepotism into senior levels of government.
  • Pander to the religious right ?
  • Legitimize white nationalism ?
  • Loosen gun controls ?
  • Expand the nuclear arsenal ?
  • Elect Trump to the Presidency
  • don't like government, which is why they are so bad at it.
  • Defund the WHO amidst a pandemic.
  • Be number 1: the only country to pull out of the Paris climate agreement.Resign from the Paris Agreement.
  • Resign from the Iran Nuclear Agreement.
  • Resign from the WHO.
  • Ignore the UN Nuclear Ban ?
  • Allow Turkey to slaughter Kurdish allies ?
  • Round up immigrants, a humanitarian crisis that profits private prisons ?
  • Keep the lawless offshore prison at Guantanamo open ?
  • Resume gunboat diplomacy for Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua ?
  • Assist Russia in invading Ukraine ?
  • Invite foreign influence in domestic politics ?
  • Continue the forever wars ?
  • Disdain, even undermine, the UN ?
  • Start a new arms race ?
  • Align with authoritarians ?
  • Deny science and looming climate disaster ?
  • Continue the Republican scam
  • Renege on UN back dues.
  • Suppress and censor actual science.
  • Fire experts, appoint sychophants
  • Make the President a dictator
  • Make Putin the winner of the 2016 election.
  • Profit from corruption.
  • Maintain the empire.
  • Corrupt the Constitution.
  • Bring Fascism to the US
  • Lose WWII
  • Threaten the planet
  • Destroy future prospects of the next generations.
  • Make government dysfunctional.

If so, congratulations. You must be a Republican. You should know it is a scam.

  • Although the US claims to be a democracy, big money controls the agenda.
  • Because the Constitution is very hard to change, it enables rule by a minority.
  • The US is now an oligarchy, the result of regressive Republican policy, not accident. Regressive tax policy, voodoo (supply side) economics, corporate welfare, special interest cash, coin operated Congress, union busting, privatization, all share some of the blame as does the now GOP captured Supreme Court
  • The Constitution is hard to change, the Supreme Court has the last word on its true meaning, so in reality the Court rules. Never trust men in robes interpreting old documents.
  • Corporations are people my friend, their only goal is profit, Corporate supremacists on the Supreme Court have given them rights that most Americans can only hope for.
  • Republicans are weakening the Dodd-Frank Bill so that Banks can continue to gamble with derivatives, pocket the winnings, and get bailed out when there are losses. This is better known as lemon Socialism: heads banks win, tails the taxpayer loses.
  • It is clear that US working class is sinking, but Republicans are already weakening Social Security and other social programs.
  • Considering the cuts and other policy, it looks like Republicans want a crash to win election.
  • Other developed nation's people not only get universal health care, short work weeks, vacations, large pensions, high minimum wages, mandatory paid time off, free education, subsidized childcare, eldercare ... What´s the matter with the United States ?
  • Because Republican policy is regressive: austerity, deregulation, privatization, corporate concentration, lowered minimum wage, private health care, union busting, downsized social programs, flat taxes, all benefit the wealthy producing unprecedented income inequality ... and suffering.
  • When polled, people want expanded Social Security, better health care, increased minimum wage, gun background checks, and less military.
  • Flaunting democracy, Republicans backed the Ryan budget to voucher Medicare, privatize Social Security, let infrastructure crumble, undermine public education, gut Federal agencies that assure clean water, air, and public health and safety, build a new generation of nuclear weapons, and assure our plutocracy.
  • Thanks to Republicans, oligarchs own about 6 corporations that control everything you see in media. Naturally they do good service for Republicans and they are well rewarded with unlimited campaign money, political power, and no limits on advertising. For example, Rupert Murdoch has been barred from Britain, Canada, but pretty much owns the Republican party here in the US. Broadcasters got a free gift of bandwidth with no strings attached: no public service obligation, no restraints on advertising, no commitment to children's television. no fairness doctrine, and nothing to prevent them from lying (fraud). They have worked diligently to weaken or kill public broadcasting. The US, as a result, is continuously propagandized, pacified, misinformed, and misdirected. Since children watch 55 hours a week of TV, broadcasters deserve special credit for their failed education, yet these same oligarchs are pressuring to privatize education. See media.
  • Cable operators have no price restraints thanks to Republicans. US internet service is a lot slower than South Korea's.
  • Our healthcare system, the most expensive in the world , does not perform well compared to other developed countries, causes suffering, bankruptcies, corruption, widespread insecurity, economic dislocation, and unnecessary deaths. Improvements, formerly favored by Republicans, successfully implemented by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts, but Republicans have attempted to roll back ObamaCare around 50 times..

    Massive amounts of money from right wing oligarchs, insurance companies, pharma and other special interests have bought lobbyists and Republican obstruction. Money is more important to them than the public good, and besides, their fear is that the ACA will work. Republicans have not presented any credible solutions to modify or replace Obamacare..

    Although the US has some fine doctors and excellent facilities, it is not good at paying for them. Making employers responsible for providing health coverage was always a mistake because it provides an incentive to cut hours and downsize, locks people into jobs, and tilts the playing field with the rest of the world. Since our wages were higher than other countries that allow sweatshops, prison labor, child labor, and pollution, corporations sent a large fraction of jobs to those lower wage countries and we have deindustrialized.
    If a low cost, efficient system was the goal, Medicare, which works well now, would be expanded to include everyone. To continue their wilding of America, Republicans prefer to shut down the government.
  • Pharma till very recently, didn't have to negotiate price thanks to Republicans, and the law mandates that people may not buy cheaper medicine in Canada.
  • Gerrymandering fixed our elections so that the popular voting majority doesn't matter. Elections have been rigged so that a minority can rule. This may be a Weimar moment.
  • Although it is clear that there is too much money in elections, the Republican Congress has increased the amount individual donors can contribute by a factor of 10. The partisan, corporate supremacists on the Supreme Court ruled that money is speech, Corporations are people, and Citizens United is probably sufficient to cause the loss of our Republic.
  • Republicans oppose the President's meager humanitarian relief for immigrants.
  • Republicans have rewarded private prisons, suppressed minority vote by making US prisons number one. We incarcerate more of our population than any other country, mostly people of color who often lose the right to vote.
  • Republicans approve of torture making it likely that we should repeal the 5th and 8th Amendments to the Constitution. Not incidentally, the US has lost the moral high ground that we might once have thought we had.
  • Republican Red States are leaders in use of the death penalty. Civilized countries do not use it.
  • Another reason the US is no longer a democracy is that a large part of the government is secret, unaccountable, and unscrupulous. It tends not to tolerate countries ideologically different.
  • Like other empires, the US has nearly bankrupted itself in foreign wars and is on a path to its own destruction.
  • The Republican government in waiting includes the same warmongers that lied to go to the $6 trillion wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are spending another trillion on renewed nuclear weapons. They have made the US number arms exports. They are probably the only ones who think war is a force for good.
  • With population now exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet, Republicans are working tirelessly to roll back women's right to have an abortion.
  • We have a largely secret, intrusive, militarized government that no longer works for the people.
  • The religious Republican base does not recognize science as the best way to determine facts...which is why they deny the reality of human caused climate change. Their grandchildren, facing a hostile planet, will not remember them kindly.
  • Right wing government is minority government, necessarily authoritarian, and it is never good.
  • Veto Republicans.